I’ve spent the majority of my life teaching and mentoring in some form or another.
Whether it’s been my 30 years of teaching yoga or ten years of owning a martial arts dojo, or the multiple leadership roles I have held in my professional career, I love nothing more than helping others find their own way to a life of contentment and joy.
Over the last ten years I have stepped fully into my role as a mindfulness teacher, writer, speaker, coach and spiritual guide.
I love to speak from the heart and I encourage others to embrace their own emotions as a bridge to a life that is fully engaged.
I believe that in order to become a source of information and wisdom for others, one must first be a conduit. I see myself as a conduit to secret teachings of all the ages and I humbly accept that responsibility.
I’ve had many extraordinary mentors who have aided me in becoming a synthesis of all of their individual teachings and all of their teacher’s teachings. I am grateful.
In my early childhood I was fascinated with storytelling, myths and legends and all things ancient. I also had a deep level of curiosity about Eastern spirituality and practices despite the fact that I grew up in a very homogenous culture where pretty much everybody looked like me in the mirror and saw the world through a narrow lens.
When I went off to the University of Michigan in 1982, I promptly enrolled in Japanese language classes, selected a creative writing major and I joined the karate club. All three of these efforts resulted in equal and fabulous levels of failure!
After two years of college I decided I needed a brief sabbatical from university. I found a temporary career in the hospitality industry which had fascinated me all through high school when I worked in a fine dining restaurant as a dishwasher, cook and eventually as a server.
It was here that I first learned how to read people’s moods and energies. I learned to engage in conversations with strangers and tell stories that would keep them interested as they waited for their table to be ready. Most importantly I learned how to be “of service” which is something I have been called to do in all aspects of life from the moment I came into this lifetime.
After a two year sabbatical from school, I returned to my studies and engrossed myself in literature and writing classes which I devoured with passion.
Eventually I found my path back to karate, this time at a place in my own personal growth where I could respect and harness the power of the teachings. After earning the rank of Shodan (1st black belt) in Shotokan karate, I decided to explore the path of yoga at a health club where I was at the time teaching a martial arts program.
I have been on the path of yoga for almost 3 decades now. My first guru was a master teacher by the name of Gabriel Halpern who by the way is pictured with me on my home page. Gabriel took me under his wing and taught me how to understand the essence of yoga from the inside out. He schooled me in the art of teaching yoga in the classic method which had been passed down for millennia. I served as one of his apprentices for two years assisting in therapeutic classes and filling in when other instructors needed a substitute. With this as a foundation, I continue my yogic journey.
In early 2021 a near fatal head trauma gave me the opportunity to start my practice anew as if I had never taken even a single class. The gift of being able to go to the mat with a beginner's mindset after 30 years of practice has taught me more about myself than all my previous years of study combined. I remain a humble novice with an eye on developing further as I continue to stretch my mind and my body on this extraodinary journey to spirit.
We are living through one of the greatest transformations in human history.
When future generations look back on this time hundreds of years from now, they will pinpoint this 25 year generational period as a time when we, as a species collectively ascended in consciousness and truly relearned the essence of working together.
We rediscovered the importance of the WE over the ME.
It can often look like we are moving close the brink of disaster, yet in truth we are witnessing the Great Awakening.
We get to choose if we want to navigate this turbulence from place of fear or from a place of love.
I’m here to:
- Assist you in making sense of things that at times can seem senseless.
- Help you listen to your soul’s true calling and find purpose within your day-to-day life.
- Teach you that all the love you need already exists within your heart center.
“Jim is an exceptional resource and guide on the journey of life. I have worked with Jim for several years at this point and he has helped me in every aspect of life. Jim has been and continues to be invaluable to me on a professional and personal level. I had been looking to find balance with work, relationships, priorities, anxieties and life in general. Jim’s guidance and coaching has been transformative - empowering me to learn/refine the tools and develop the awareness to do so.”
- Michael E - Corporate Counsel, Father and Husband
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