Finding Sunshine in the Tidal Waves of Life

asking for help being present doing your best Feb 20, 2023

I often reference the concept that our day to day lives can feel like a tumultuous sea with a never ending series of waves. Sometimes there is a period of calm between the waves and other times the waves come one after another with little to no time for recovery in between. The good news is that over time we can learn to surf the sea of life even when the waves are bigger and come with greater frequency. The real challenge though can be how to figure out what to do when that really big wave gets ready to crest.

Do you currently feel like or have you recently felt like you've been hit by a tidal wave? There is a powerful energy in the Universe right now. Things are shifting in ways they have not previously shifted in our modern world. Nearly ever person I speak to whether they are a coaching client, a family member or a friend is experiencing some level of unsettledness. Rest assured that you are not alone if you are one of the many who feels like everything is in transition.

With that in mind I thought it would be appropriate this week to review some of my favorite things to remember when you feel like things are out of control or you constantly feel like you are rushing through life in an attempt to get caught up. I like to it my "Seven Ways to Find Sunshine Amidst the Clouds and Tidal Waves of Life" and here it is in no particular order: 

  • Prioritize your mission critical tasks - That feeling of falling behind on life can be overwhelming, but it can also be a gift because we are forced to prioritize the most important things. When I have way too many things on my mental to do list I like to write down three to five top priorities and get them out of the way first so I can feel like I am making headway on the larger mission. 
  • Focus on the next 30 minutes only - Breaking things down into baby steps is a can't miss strategy when you are trying to figure out how to allocate your resources. Remember that time is a valuable resource and if you focus on spending your time in smaller allotments it can be easier to maintain focus. 
  • Identify the main obstacle and name it - We all have at least one or two tasks on our list that we just can't stand to think about. When we ignore the thing that we are least motivated to get done it can zap ALL of our motivation and prevent us from doing anything at all. Once we call out the thing we are procrastinating and identify it, it gets way less scary even if we do not tackle it right away.
  • Slow down - This may seem counter intuitive when we are being hit by a tidal wave, but upon further review it makes total sense. The last thing you want to do is use all your energy swimming upstream when things are at their most turbulent. Maybe take a little time to tread water and re-engage when your energy is restored. 
  • Ignore false deadlines - Some of our deadlines are real. We need to get to work on time. We have to eat and rest on some sort of regular schedule. There are countless other things that are flexible deadlines and when we stress ourselves out in trying to meet the artificial deadlines we create an energy leak that can cost us. 
  • Do your best - This one is borrowed from Don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements. You may not always be able to accomplish everything you wish you could accomplish, but at the end of the day just remind yourself that you did the best. Be at peace with your efforts and the outcomes. 
  • Ask for help - Whether that help means sharing your worries and fears with a friend or whether it means reaching out for professional help, always remember that asking for help is a sign of strength...not a sign of weakness. 

Be kind to yourself. These are remarkable times we are living in and everybody is trying to find their own footing in an ever changing world. Surround yourself with people who fill you up and inspire you to be your most authentic self. In our upcoming podcast, Deb Frischmon and I will be talking at length about strategies to manage fear, worries and anxiety. Look for Episode #15 of the It's About Life Podcast to drop early next week. Deb and I are also excited to be launching a three month trial of the It's About Life Membership Circle for anyone who is looking for some ongoing weekly support and a community where we discuss topics like these. It all begins on March 1st and you can join for as little as $44! For more information or to become a founding member check out all the details at the link right here or click on the button below. 

Peace and blessings for a fabulous week, 


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