Life Cycle of a Butterfly

Jun 14, 2023

Everywhere I look these days I seem to see butterflies. Last month my daughter Emma finally got a chance to put her butterfly farm to good use after waiting three long months after her birthday before it was warm enough for us to safely order the baby caterpillars. After watching the baby caterpillars transform through all the various stages over a two week period, we set the fully developed butterflies loose at the end of May. Ever since that day, Emma has wondered if the butterflies we see flying around outside might be one of the ones she grew from baby caterpillars in her own little netted cage. It is such a joy to watch her view the world with the eyes of wonder. 

The symbolism of a butterfly is unmistakable. The mark of a butterfly can signify new hope, transformation, courage and even rebirth. I don't know about you, but I could sure use a little bit more of all of those things in my life these days. As our world continues to go through monumental shifts, we have the opportunity to choose which things we want to cling to and which things we are willing to let go of. It is in that act of surrender that we can let aspects of ourself that no longer serve us die off to make room for something new to be born. In many ways, our lives are like the life cycle of a butterfly in a constant state of transition and transformation. 

On that topic, my podcast partner Deb Frischmon just finished recoding Episode #21 of The It's About Life Podcast which addresses the topic of death and rebirth. The episode is now live at your favorite podcast streaming service or you can go directly to our Buzzsprout hosting service and listen to any of our podcasts at the link right here

In episode #21 we talk bout how we are constantly experiencing beginnings and endings in all aspects of our lives. Relationships are in a constant state of flux. People change jobs at a mind bending rate nowadays. Many people are looking to move from places they have spent the majority of their lives in search of new experiences. As a result, it is perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed by the cyclical nature of it all. From birth to death and rebirth, each stage of life presents new opportunities for growth, learning, and discovery. By celebrating the journey and making the most of every moment, we can truly live our lives to the fullest. 

As much as we may want to avoid it, death is an essential part of the circle of life. Death represents the end of one stage of something in our life and the beginning of another. Without death, there can be no rebirth. It is a natural and necessary part of the cycle that allows for growth, change, and evolution. At times, letting go of something that is familiar and comfortable can seem like an unwanted end, but it's important to remember that it' is also an opportunity for a new beginning. In these times of transition it is essential to make time for reflection, remembrance, and celebration in order to create an opportunity to learn from the past and embrace the future. 

Here are some other thoughts to keep in mind when practicing the art of letting go:

1. Identify what no longer serves you – Reflect on the aspects of your life that are holding you back. Perhaps a toxic relationship, a job that drains your energy or a deep-seated fear is holding you back from discovering something (or someone) new and more enriching.

2. Embrace your emotions – Letting go and grieving a loss can be an emotional process. Allow yourself to experience and acknowledge your emotions without judgment or any attempt to suppress. It's important to process your emotions through a healthy channel like journaling, therapy, or talking to a trusted friend who will listen without judgement. 

3. Practice mindfulness – Mindfulness can help you stay present in the moment and let go of past regrets or worries about the future. Making time for spiritual practices like meditation, yoga, or simply enjoying a quiet moment in nature can help you process thoughts and emotions.

4. Accept change – Change is inevitable and learning to embrace it can help you let go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Instead of resisting change, try to see it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

5. Cultivate self-compassion – Letting go can be a difficult and painful process. It's important to be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion. Remember that personal growth is a journey and that it is perfectly acceptable to struggle a bit along the way.

6. Recognize the Power of Gratitude - Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help us find joy and happiness in our daily lives. When we focus on the good things in our lives and express gratitude for them, we create a positive mindset that can act as a buffer against stress, anxiety, and depression. I like to end each day taking a moment to call to mind the simple joys I had along the path of the day like an ice cream cone, a cool breeze on my face or the gentle touch of a kindness from a friend or family member. 

I hope you enjoyed this week's reflection. Thanks for following along in my life. I am grateful for the loving support. I'm finalizing the date for the next SpeakEasy Social Club gathering. If you would like to throw your name in the ring to do a story or a speech at the next meeting please reach out and let me know. I've set aside Tuesday June 27th for the next Water of Life Men's Circle call. You can get more details and request the Zoom link at the Men's Circle tab on my website which you can link right here.

Love and blessings for a fantastic week, 



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