My Love and a Bowl of Cheerios

Mar 21, 2023

Early this morning I was sitting at my computer editing some of the written copy for the landing page of my new website which will launch in the next couple of weeks. I couldn't help but take note of the fact that the first line of written copy on the very first page of the site says:

"The reality is that being human right now is exceedingly challenging..." 

On the surface, that might seem like a strange choice for the first sentence on the marketing page for a person who considers himself a mindset and empowerment coach. To me it all comes down to what sort of energetic reaction you have when you consider the word challenging

You see to me, the word challenging is not a word that should spark fear in our hearts. At the essence of it all, to be challenged simply means that one needs to continue to explore the multitude of resources they have available to them and refine their existing skillsets. To be challenged means that we are being asked to look into our hearts and find the strength and determination to stay the course -OR- to choose a new and different course. To be challenged means that we are being offered and exceptional opportunity for personal growth and transformation.

I believe that when we accept the fact that being human right now is challenging by nature, we are more likely to pool our resources, to share our talents and to ask for the help that we so richly need and deserve. As I often say, navigating the changing times that we living through is not likely to become any less turbulent in the near future, but that doesn't mean that we need to feel like everything in life is difficult to manage. Managing the day to day challenges can be greatly simplified by finding the tools that best serve you at this point in your own journey. 

My life is no different that anyone else's life. There is an ebb and flow that requires me to respect the seasonality of all things. I never pretend that I don't have any of my own challenges. Just because I spend a good portion of my time helping others try to make better sense of their own lives does NOT mean that I've got things all figured out. In many ways I'm still figuring out how to live as a sober person after decades of enjoying wine on a regular basis. I'm grateful that I finally feel fully recovered from my head trauma from just over a year ago, yet I still have moments when I shudder to think what might have been if I had not gone back to the hospital that night. Transitioning to being a full time entrepreneur while parenting a five year old as a man in my fifties can certainly present a few challenges as well.

In fact just last week my wife and I did our first kindergarten tour in preparation for this Fall. If you are a parent who has already encountered this experience, I'm sure you have vivid memories of the multitude of emotions that come up when you think about sending your little one out into the world in a more official fashion as is the case with kindergarten. The whole kindergarten tour experience was profoundly unsettling for me as I found myself thinking, "how on the world I will be able to keep my daughter safe and provide for her in this transformational time in our family's lives and in human history in general." 

As I was working on my editing this morning, my daughter wandered out of her room at about 7:00 a.m. sleepy eyed and carrying an armful of her favorite stuffies. I usually give her a moment to come on line before I start asking her things like "How did you sleep?" or "What would you like to do first today?" 

After a minute or so of silence, in the sweetest little voice possible, Emma said, "Daddy I love you....can I have some Cheerios?" 

There I sat on the couch hoping to create the perfect website down to the last word. Part of me felt like I was carrying the weight of someone who was trying to save the entire world and solve every problem, all before breakfast. My monkey mind was worrying about out how to pay for an education that may look very different by the time it actually happens. In reality, all Emma needed from me in this moment in time was some love and a bowl of cheerios. There is something extraordinary about remembering the power of being in the moment and once again it was my daughter who became my greatest teacher. No challenge is insurmountable when we tap into the infinite resources we have available to us and none of those resources are more powerful than love itself. 

What are some of your current challenges? I invite you to remember to see those challenges as opportunities. I encourage you to ask for help wherever and however you need. And most importantly, I urge you to remember that you have an infinite amount of love in your heart which can be used to help heal the world and to live more in the moment in all moments of your day. 

Well that's all for this time. For those of you who follow along with the SpeakEasy Social Club, I had to take a sabbatical this month, but stay tuned for a fun double dip in the month of April. Details to follow soon! 

Peace and blessings, 



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