On a Wing and a Prayer

Jun 29, 2023

I just finished recording a new episode of the It's About Life Podcast with my dear friend and co-host Deb Frischmon. We had a blast as usual, but there was something particularly unique about the episode we just recorded. For the first time ever, we went into the recording studio without any specific topic. We just let the conversation travel wherever it was inclined to go and wouldn't you know it, we lost our internet connection twice and had to completely restart the recording after we were 30 minutes in. I guess you could say Deb and I were flying on a wing and a prayer.

Truth be told, I found it a bit unsettling at times, but I'm pleased that we gave it a try and I think we laid down some audio with really nice, authentic conversation. If you'd like to check it out yourself, you can go to your favorite podcast streaming service and subscribe to the It's About Life Podcast so that you will get notified when this new episode is released in the next couple of days. 

Our experiment of going into the studio unscripted got me thinking further about my lifelong need to feel prepared for pretty much everything I do. Over the years I have had a habit of thinking, and at times overthinking, the multitude of possibilities that can unfold in nearly every life situation. I understand that there is great value in preparation, but there are many times where my personal approach to preparation has tilted intro perfectionism and micro-management, which can often have an adverse effect on me and everyone else around me. It's no fun living with a taskmaster even when the taskmaster is yourself!

I presume that most of you are familiar with the phrase on a wing and a prayer. For those of you who are less familiar, the phrase is said to have originated from the classic John Wayne film The Flying Tigers. In the movie, Wayne's character, Captain Jim Gordon inquires about the status of an aircraft that has been attacked by enemy fire and lost a wing, to which Captain Gordon is told "she's coming in on one wing and a prayer!" 

This idiomatic phrase has become synonymous with the concept of making brave choices, taking action and having the faith that everything is going to work out. I can't help but notice that many of us are living in situations where many aspects of our life are operating in a wing and a prayer status right now

~ Jobs may feel less fulfilling or stable than they used to for many of us.
~ Communication can feel like a struggle and relationships can be exceptionally challenging these days.
~ There are people who would like to downsize or upsize their homes or move to a new place altogether, but they feel trapped by the current housing market and/or finances. 
~ Finding an inspiring and well aligned spiritual path can take extraordinary effort

I think it's important to note that in saying this, I do NOT mean that things are hopeless << Test First Name >>. In fact quite the contrary is true! As long as we take action and release from our attachments to specific results or outcomes, we make space for Spirit to step in and guide us in the process. It is with that sense of trust in Spirit and my inner knowing that I find my faith. 

Just yesterday I was talking to a friend and mentor who reminded me that one of the best strategies in life is to let life come to you. For those of us living in the northern hemisphere, summer in general and the month of July in particular is a time to bask in the joy of life. It is also a great time to go within and connect with the beauty of nature and the elements. It's not that I'm going to take the entire month off from working, but maybe I need to consider not pressing so hard and constantly being driven by my inner taskmaster. Instead of trying to accomplish things in short order by pressing harder, I could be well served to utilize my time planning and setting the stage for the coming harvest season which lies ahead.

Speaking about the elements, I tentatively planning my next Water of Life Men's Community zoom call for Thursday July 20th at 6:30 p.m. central. If you or somebody you know is looking for a welcoming space for men who would like to connect with other men who are working on themselves, go to my website at this link for more information or to request the link for the call. 

On the planning front, I'm planning to start recording episodes of my new podcast as early as next week. This second foray into podcasting for me will be a solo effort which will focus on men's topics like fatherhood, the mature masculine and working together as a brotherhood to help heal the planet one relationship at a time. Those are just a few of the many topics we will explore going forward. My working title for the show is Spiritual Fatherhood and I'm super excited about the possibilities. I'll also have the date for the next SpeakEasy Social Club speaking club meeting set by next week's email. Stay tuned! 

In keeping with the concept of not pressing, I've decided to wait to launch the next iteration of The MindSmith Academy course until later this summer or early fall. I am planning on setting up early registration after the holiday weekend though and perhaps even holding a few special bonus sessions for early registrants. In the meantime, I do have room for a few new one on one clients. If you or somebody you know might be looking for mindset coaching, mindfulness training, communication skills development or spiritual guidance, please reach out. There are numerous ways to work with me both for short term situational life guidance and/or long term coaching support. 

Thanks as always for staying connected to my life. Love and blessings to you all. 



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